Sania Mirza Shares Her Fitness Story of 89kgs to 63 Kgs in 4 Months
Sania Mirza Fitness Tips
Sania Mirza gained excess weight after pregnancy and now trying to fight with those extra kilos. This is not an easy task, especially with those women who have recently gone through delivery. Post-pregnancy weight loss is hard on the body, one often considers that it is just recovering and healing from the aftermath of birth and caring for the baby. However, one can make possible if someone is a tennis player and a mother like Sania Mirza.
Fitness Tips for Girls 1 Sania’s before and after Photo
A thorough inspiration on-field and off-field, Sania, who gave birth to baby boy Izhaan in 2018, recently shared a stunning transformation before and after photo of herself, which is super motivating for anyone struggling to get back in shape.
Fitness Tips for Girls 2 Sania Mirza Back In Shape
Not only is Sania's weight loss journey an impressive one, it is also an example to moms all around. She was determined to herself and followed extensive discipline; the 33-year-old went from 89 kilos to 63 kilos in a few months. She had shared the proud achievement; and took to Instagram and wrote:
Sania said we all have goals, which are every day goals and long term goals. One should take pride in achieving their goals, Sania revealed, for her to scale down from 89 to 63 kgs, it took 4 months to achieve this goal to get back to be healthy and fit after having a baby.
Fitness Tips for Girls 3 Sania Advised People
She advised people to never give up and stop working on them; Sania shared a motivational quote, saying that if she can do it then anyone can do it. She adds to her post:
Sania said initially one have a feeling of going a long way, to get back to the original weight and regain fitness and being able to compete at the highest level again, but one should follow their dreams, and no matter how many ppl tell one, one should not lose because God help those who help themselves. So, if she can then anyone can do it #believe #mummahustles”
Fitness Tips for Girls 4 Sania Advised To Stick To Goals
From her pregnancy to delivery, the one thing that helped Sania to be consistent and stick to the goals was being active, no matter what. The sportsperson went to the gym started doing prenatal yoga through her pregnancy and what is more inspiring is that she managed to get back into the regime just in 15 days after giving birth to her baby boy.
Fitness Tips for Girls 5 Sania Our Inspiration
Sania has also been an incredible example for moms all around and has time and again talked about the experiences and struggles which she had faced along the way. Whether it is testing her body's patience, or living up to expectations, Sania has been thoroughly vocal about her journey. That is why; she had shared her posts on Instagram, titled, #mamahustles, to shackle stereotypes. In one of her powerful posts, Sania said:
“The reason she had put ‘hashtag mummahustles’ on her social media stories is to show as a mother one can still be fit and one can still live a certain life. It doesn’t mean our life is over because one has become a mother, our life has just begun.”
Fitness Tips for Girls 6 Sania’s Motivation
Sania wanted to look good for her, and that was the first and foremost motivation. This was revealed by Sania in an interview.
"Regardless of whether or not she play tennis, she would not feel good about herself if she looked in the mirror and saw that she didn’t look or feel a certain way. It’s not just about how one looks, but how one feels. For her, she wants to be healthy because she feels better and energetic.”
“Nothing Is Impossible To Achieve Only Determination Is Required”
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