Side Effects of Hair Rebonding Every Girl Must Know

Hair Rebonding

Hair Rebonding: The generation today is quite fashionable. Everyone likes to look a bit presentable and dandy. Fashion definitely is pleasing to the eye, however, one must not forsake their natural beauty in the name of fashion.

In order to remain in vogue, girls are experimenting with their hair. Hair Rebonding is quite popular among girls and girls with curly locks as well as straight hair to undergo this process so as to get gorgeous looking, glossy hair. But what those hot iron rods and intoxicated chemicals do to your hair and how does it affect you? Let’s find out.

Hair Damage

We all are aware of the fact that one has to go through the severe chemical process in order to get straight hair. The enormous amount of chemicals and softeners that are used in this process are highly unfavorable. This makes the locks and roots weak. That results in permanent hair damage.

Nullifies Natural Oil

Our scalp contains a natural oil that helps in strengthening the hair naturally. However, the usage of chemical products and hot iron rods can lead to the disfunction of a scalp. The scalp squanders its natural gloss. This causes hair to fall.

Ceases Hair Growth

It is evident in most of the cases that the neutralizers used in this process effects hair that bad that it constraint the hair growth. Its effect is too harsh on the hair that one has to undergo a haircut to redeem it.


Yes, that’s right! The toxins used in the process can be extremely harsh and hold the tendency to ruin it completely. Since the hair doesn’t remain straight for a longer period and can get worse after the rebonding therefore one has to go for a touch up every once in a while. This makes the hair vulnerable to several problems and results in frizziness.

From Thick to Thin

As they say “Change can’t be undone”. Once you undergo this process there is no way going back. Your hair might lose its volume and you might face the problem of getting severe hair fall, this makes you thin.

Experimenting on hair definitely, changes its nature, and sometimes it can completely ruin it. As there’s a saying “Prevention is better than cure” therefore, try avoiding this experimentation as more as you can and learn to embrace your natural beauty.

Just in case you still wish to get straight hair, there are several alternatives such as hair smoothening, hair relaxing or a hair spa.