Things to take care in your courtship period

By Naman | April 21, 2018
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The courtship period is said to be a “very witty prologue to a very dull play”. It is one of the most essential as well as the most phenomenal phase of one's life. One must hence, be really careful regarding certain do’s and don’ts, lest you end up irking and flipping out your partner, which might even result in calling off the wedding!  Certain things to take care in your courtship period are:  Peel out the rubber slowly  Any relationship is successful if it is learned and understood at a gentle pace with time. Opening up slowly can make both of your understanding for each other better, thus hitching the ride for your well souped up relationship for the future. This will also pave out the way to make both of you sure of your wavelength matching.  Future planning- A big no!  Well, everyone must stick to present rather than beating around the bush for the future. Please avoid any kind of discussions on “to come” events, be it the wedding, honeymoon, kids and what not! Your only focus must lay upon understanding your partner and oozing up the courtship period beautifully by laying a firm foundation. Also, the persistent talks about the future might scare the other off, which might also end up ruining your bond!  Personal space- A big yes!  Any relationship requires the need for a personal space. Although, this is one of the most wonderful time for you to cherish and relish every moment of love yet piling upon your partner or chicken hearting him by intervening into his/her’s personal space is always a big no!  Stick to being yourself  To forge a good relationship, one must always focus on just being yourself, cutting out the “fake you” or “deceptive you” in order to understand each other the way you both really are.  Chatting law  Due to the “smart phone” era, it is very casual to stick around with each other for 24*7 and indulge yourself in endless romantic conversations. Yet text messages are sometimes misinterpreted and thus, long hours of chatting is a big no! Focus on sticking only to some normal chats to fabricate your relationship beautifully!  Practicality supercedes the emotions  Although you are madly and deeply in love and your partner makes you weak in the knees and go all bananas, yet always stick to being practical as life is not a Bollywood/Hollywood romantic movie but a reality check following the tackling with many ups and downs!  When nearing the big day, make sure that you and your partner have an amazing relationship with love, care, understanding, trust and are trek-ready to climb the ladder of life together!
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