Call of Duty Mobile; First impression, Is It Better Than PUBG?

By Abhishek | May 24, 2019
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Call of duty mobile beta version has been finally released just two months after the developer of game announced the mobile version. The most popular video game of all time of all the major gaming platform ‘call of duty’ is here on android and ios devices, though the developer never bothered about making its mobile version but after PUBG Mobile's success the develops decided to release its mobile version. Call of Duty Mobile game is all about battle royale, before starting a game hundred players will jump from rival combatants parachute and land on a mapped-out territory. The weapon loadout allows you to carry a primary weapon such as a knife, and grenades, as you rack up kills you will unlock the things like aerial arsenal, recon drones, and more. Talking about gun mechanics, your PUBG experience is not really going to help you out in COD as they two are pretty different from each other, the comparison of two games is never easy as they have different object and elements. Call of Duty Mobile has assembled best features from battle royale.  In this game you can form your own team with your friends or join a match online with strangers, just like you do in any other multiplayer game. Activision editorial manager David Hodgson said, “This is a unique take on the genre, custom-built for mobile with Call of Duty’s signature gameplay, that thrusts the adrenaline-pumping survival mode into a colossal map that features iconic locations from across the Call of Duty universe.” “It’s standalone from other battle royale experiences in Call of Duty. So, those familiar Call of Duty: Black Ops 4’s Blackout mode may find some familiarity, but ultimately this experience is unique to Call of Duty: Mobile,” he further added. The announcement of call of duty was made earlier this year and the game was set to be released later this year.
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