5 Simple And Quick Home Remedies To Get Fair Skin

get fair skin

Although everyone should embrace their natural skin tone, some people want to get fair skin as they don’t like their natural skin color. No matter what skin color you have, it will still look best when it’s moisturized and clean.

However, if you would still like to brighten your skin a little, there are some natural home remedies to get fair skin –

  • Lemon Mask

Lemon is best known to be a bleaching agent. Scrubbing a lemon about half on your face regularly helps you lighten your skin tone. This is one of the simplest home and effective home remedies for fair skin. Remember don’t expose yourself to the sunlight while trying this remedy and be careful as lemon can cause irritation on cuts and wounds.

  • Papaya Mask

Papaya contains the enzyme ‘Papain’, which helps in attaining a fair skin complexion. Papaya is the most known ingredient in beauty products used in Japan and Korea. A simple recipe for using this ingredient is to take some slices of papaya and mash them. Apply softly on your face, leave it for about 20-25 minutes and wash off. You will be able to notice a glow immediately on your face.

  • Yogurt Mask

Yogurt contains lactic acid, which helps you to get fair skin. Simply applying it on your face can make your face glow. You can also add turmeric to this mask as well. Yogurt not only gives you an instant glow and makes your face look bright. But also cleanse it thoroughly and remove all accumulated dirt from the pores. Apply yogurt mask daily for a week to get fair skin.

  • Mango Peels and Milk

This is an Ayurvedic way and is very good in all ways. Mango peels are very beneficial especially to get fair skin. There are some chemicals in mango which remain in higher quantities on the skin of it instead of being in the fruit. Blend mango peels with 1 ladle of milk, apply it on your face you will automatically see a difference in your skin tone.

  • Sleep Well to Get Fair Skin

An adequate amount of sleep at least for 8 hours a day helps is a necessity for everyone. Sleep helps in relaxing the skin plus it helps to get a fair skin tone. Also, stress and fatigue are visible on your face especially in the form of dark circles. This makes your skin look darker, thus it is very important to sleep along with just following the other remedies.