7 Effective Home Remedies for Low Blood Pressure


If you feel the vibes of fatigue or Light-headedness or dizziness or seem to be subconsciously floating in the air, then it’s high time, you visit some doctor, as you have just encountered the symptoms of low blood pressure or Hypotension.

Low blood pressure, just like the Hypertension or high blood pressure is really dangerous as the blood pressure reading falls below 120mm Hg and above 80 mm Hg.

Low blood pressure is a disease that reduces the pressure of the blood flowing through the arteries, from the heart. Severe hypotension can cause the Human brain to starve and result in a state of shock. It can also cause temporary or permanent damage to certain organs like lungs, kidney and brain.

As prevention is better than cure, here is a list of 7 Effective Home remedies for Low Blood Pressure:

Eat petite portions frequently: Keep in taking the petite portions of the meals frequently, in between the larger meals. Keep feeding the stomach, so as to avoid the abrupt drop in the blood pressure that might occur after the meals.

Intake Sufficient salt: Sufficient amount of salt must be given to the body. According to the World Health Organization, just one teaspoon of the added salt, besides the one obtained from the natural fruits and vegetables, is enough to quench its demand for the daily diet. In summers, if you workout, then just carry a lime juice, with a pinch of salt added to it. Salt works as “Lift-me-up” instantly.

Gulp Fluids: Drink at least 3-4 liters of water daily. In annex to it, also gulp or sip the drinks including Coconut Water, Bael ka sharbatt and Aam ka panna. This will monitor the dehydration in your body, which is one of the main causes of hypotension. Pomegranate, which is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols, also helps in curbing the hypotension.

Caffeine aids: The beverages including Caffeine, helps in regulating the blood pressure temporarily. Remember to sip in some few amount of tea or coffee, the next time you feel susceptible to hypotension.

Holy Tulsi: “A home remedy from our granny’s treasure trove. Chew five to six tulsi leaves every morning,” suggests Dr. Rupali. Tulsi leaves are stashed with high level of potassium, vitamin c and magnesium that helps in regulating the blood pressure of the body. The antioxidant present in it, Eugenol, is also responsible to control the blood pressure and lower the cholesterol level.

Badam (Almond) Milk: Soak at least 5-6 almonds daily at night and peel them off and form the paste, thus mixing it with the milk to form the healthy, Almond milk. Almond contains no cholesterol or saturated fats in it; rather it is rich in the healthy fats like Omega-3 fatty acids.

Munaka: This is yet another remedy from the Granny’s kitchen. Souse or Soak some Munaka overnight and then have it with the milk in the morning. It helps in increasing the vigor and blood, along with an enhanced blood circulation.