7 foods that help to cut fat and increase metabolism


Everyone aspires to be fit, lean, hot and sexy in order to look good and believe it or not your looks do matter and by looks, I don’t mean the natural ones which you have possess by the genes running in your family but also the personality.

Looking good boosts not only your personality but also your confidence, making you fearless and ready for any situation with utter strength and bravery.

Thus, here is a list of 7 best foods that can help you gain that confidence and flaunt your curves or physique with boldly.


Peppers are known to contain a compound called capsaicin. The presence of this compound is known to help in burning the calories. Certain foods sweltering properties, which burn the calories as you chew them as they make you heat scorched. This is the best one of them.


The food items which are rich in fiber such as oatmeal, brown rice etc. must be included in the diet. It is learnt that the fiber-rich food items help in burning twice the calories when compared to the ones burnt during the consumption of any type of processed food.


According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutritionreports, it is believed that drinking almost four cups of green tea daily has helped in reducing six pounds in eight weeks i.e. approx 3 kgs. It is due to the EGCG compound present in it. Who knew, just sipping the green tea, could affect so much.


They are known to be rich in fiber and proteins and also low on calories. It is studied that just a cup of lentils contain almost 35% of the daily required iron by the body. About 20% of the population is iron deficient. When there is a deficiency of iron in the body, it slows down the mechanism as well as the metabolism. The consumption of this makes the body work efficient.


We burn 30% of the consumed calories during the digestion. Which means if your body intakes 300 calorie meat, then you are required to burn only 90 calories. This also proves that protein also posses thermogenic effect required to burn the calories and increase the metabolism.


These are known to be rich in calcium and Vitamin D, which helps in building of the muscle mass that is essential to provide a roaring metabolism.

  1. COFFEE:

This is an amazing brewed drink, that apart from contacting caffeine, that helps in staying active, it is also studied that due to the activeness that is instilled, this drink helps in attaining 16% higher metabolism when compared to the decaf drinkers.