Choking Delhi Smog! Here are 5 foods to protect yourself!


With the stifling hazy cloud of smog over Delhi lingering over us, we are susceptible to many illnesses like persistent cold, adamant cough, sore throat and various other respiratory problems.

However, such exacerbating climatic changes are no way to refrain from our diurnals and hence, it calls for an alarming health care.

Here are 5 foods to protect you from that stubborn ruling haze!

Cloying Honey


Irked with the sore throat and the medicines are in vain? Honey is to the rescue as it is rich in minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants.

Grate half a ginger, add a spoonful of honey and drink this miracle potion!

A spoonful of honey in luke warm water also provides relief against hitches like high blood pressure, blood purification, etc.

Virtue Neem


Neem enhances the immune system as it descends the body temperature, thus cooling it. It is also known to posses blood-purifying properties that triggers draining off toxins and impurities from the blood. In adjunct, it is also contains anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that helps to attain healthy, radiant and a clear skin!

Devout oatmeal

Oat meal

To foster the nourishment of the body from inside, savor this high-fibre, low calorie protein laden meal that also keeps you fuller for a long time. Oats is also an excellent remedy for healthy body weight, blood sugar and diabetes.

Angelic Green tea

Green tea

This wondrous beverage is known to posses anti-oxidants and nutrients that regulates the blood pressure, ascends the metabolism and also boosts the brain functioning. It is also a super detox drink.

This deific drink also has necessary minerals, bioactive compounds and a fat-burning quality that lets you maintain that bikini body!

Virile Olive oil


Olive oil is beefed up with mono-saturated fatty acids and is also considered one of the best oils for cooking due to its light texture. It is an excellent anti-oxidant that is known to fight against cancer, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and breast cancer.

Note: Use proper masks and other preventive measures and also consult your doctor to prevent yourself from this choking Delhi Smog.