Tips to Gain Biceps and Triceps

Tips to Gain Biceps and Triceps
Tips to Gain Biceps and Triceps

A fitness freak person generally consider muscle building to get a well toned physique. When you think of any muscle man, usually our eyes stick on arms. If your arms are built perfectly then it can display your love for fitness. Well it is not easy to get a perfect body and physique if you don’t know what you need to do. Let’s highlight the tips which will help you to gain biceps and triceps.

Follow proper diet

If you want gain weight that eating healthy diet should be your preference and if you are overweight than you need to take balanced, low fat diet so that you can control your body weight. A normal person requires 3000 calories per day but those guys who are underweight needs more than that. You need to plan our diet and you can divide your meal into 4-5 small meal sessions with adequate break.

Take proper rest

When you work out follow the simple rule prepare your day for different muscle exercise. For instance if you are exercising for biceps today then you should exercise for chest next day. It is important take proper rest in order to repair the damaged tissues during workout.

Exercises for biceps

To build the muscles of the biceps it is very important to do physical activities such as lifting, pulling, weight balancing. Below are exercise which are helpful to build biceps:

Hammer curls


Stand up straight and get dumbbell on both hands

Make sure your elbow to your body and your palm must be towards the chest

Make your upper arm motionless use your biceps to take the weights

Lift up the weights until biceps gets completely stretched and seize them for a second

Now steadily get down the dumbbells back and get back to starting position

Do 3 sets of 15 repetition and take 30 seconds interval

Standing barbell curls


Stand straight put your hands on barbell at the thick part of shoulder

Raise your chest and don’t get it down rapidly

Resist the weight while you get down

Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions and take 30 seconds interval

Standing dumbbell curls


It is similar to barbell curl, the main difference is that you need to carry dumbbells in both hand by which you can do more repetitions conveniently as compare to barbell curl.

Stand straight with dumbbell in both hand

Make your elbows close to your body and turn your palm forward to your face

Make your upper arm static use your biceps to take the weights

Raise the weights until your biceps gets completely stretched and get it them on the level of shoulder

Lower down the weights slowly to get back to the starting position

Do 3 sets of 15 repetition and take 30 seconds interval

Exercises for Triceps


Triceps are one of the crucial muscles for the strength of arm. Below described exercise are helpful for strengthening triceps

Triceps extensions

Stand straight and clutch the dumbbell with each hands

Make your feet and shoulder width apart

Slowly raise the dumbbells over your head until your arms get completely stretched

Resist your palm and face upward them in ceiling

Maintain the closeness upper arm to your head

slow down the resistance in a semicircular movement backward the head

Upper arms should be motionless and forearms should move only

Lift up the weight to go to the starting position

Do 3 sets of 15 repetition and take 30 seconds interval



Put your hands firmly on the ground under your shoulders in plank position

Set the position of your toe so that it can balance your lower body

Compress your back to make your whole body straighten

Slowly get down your body and keep your back straight

Slowly lower down your body while keeping your back straight

bring your chest and feet downward the earth and pull up your body to get back to the starting position

Do 3 sets of 15 repetition and take 30 seconds interval