5 Things that can be borrowed from your Boyfriend’s cupboard

5 Things that can be borrowed from your Boyfriend's cupboard
5 Things that can be borrowed from your Boyfriend's cupboard

Androgynous trend is all that is in vogue today. What best could it hail, other than borrowing your boyfriend’s clothes. Just like you ought to choose from your boyfriend’s wardrobe for the next day in case of the unplanned sleepovers at his place, similarly, just pick out your best choice from his collection and pair it up with your apparel, this time to actually wear it with sheer choice not by compulsion.

Here is a list of 5 things that can be borrowed from your boy friend’s cupboard:


A pristine white shirt is good to go with your apparel. You can pair it up with anything of your choice, be it the jeans, skirt, shorts, over your dress etc. It always ends up making you look smarter. It can be paired up with some funky accessories to give it a cool look.


There is something really amazing about these long lousy jackets be it the denim jacket, a smart tuxedo, a bomber or leather jacket. You can always wear it over your shorts, dress, jeans, jeggings or leggings depending on your choice and demand of the hour.


It is a major style statement and can be paired up with any of your clothing. It helps you look classy and smart and thus, can always be counted on, either for the day out brunch or night dinner.


It works as an accessory over your dresses be it the dress, shorts or jeans. You can either wear it normally or tie it on the waist for a better look.


This is a cool and a smart style statement. Pairing up the baggy t-shirt either the graphic- t or the flannel shirt of your boyfriend with the jeans, shorts, overalls etc gives you the desired casual or hot look. Wear low-waist jeans or jeggings or leggings and sneakers to give it a cool, smart and casual look, else pair it up with the high waist jeans and stilettos for the sexy look.