Easy Holi DIY Hacks- Tips to Play Safe Holi

Happy Holi


Easy Holi DIY Hacks:-

Applying colours on each other is an important ritual of Holi festival. These days some colours do not go off the skin easily. To protect oneself from the harms of these colours and to play a safe Holi, given here are some easy holi hacks:-

Protect your skin:- Take 2 TBSP Olive oil, 1/2 TBSP castor oil and 1TBSP mustard oil & Apply all over your face and body, between the fingers and stomach. This will help in easy removal of colours from your body. And now say cheese.

Protect Your nails from being coloured by applying a dark coloured nail varnish on them, this won’t let the colour to decolour your nails.

Make your own safe colours:- Make eco friendly safe skin colours by using saffron in milk which can give an easy saffron colour. Use of crushed Tesu flowers or henna in water also gives a bright colour which can be used to play safe holi.

Pink colour can be obtained from beet root soaked over night. Safe for skin and will also give it a facial look.

Eco Green colour: Neem leaves boiled in water and then crushed to paste will form a perfect green colour for the day with anti bacterial properties.

Do apply petroleum jelly near your ears. It is sensitive areas as colour here enter deep into the skin.  Stay protected!!

Avoid chapping of your lips due to any colour side effects by applying loads of lip balm all over.

Apply coconut or mustard oil all over the length of your hairs. It will protect your hairs to become dry and brittle due to colour side effects.

Wear old clothes but make sure all your body parts are covered in order to avoid colour contact to skin.

After the celebrations are over, it’s time to rejuvenate your skin. Apply a gentle facewash and then apply facepack to soften the skin and make it glow again.


Do play Holi with vigor but don’t forget to use these tips to protect yourself and others. Let the festival of Holi be safe for all.

HAPPY HOLI#iamflypped