9 Ways You Can Save Money While Living in the City

9 Ways You Can Save Money While Living in the City
9 Ways You Can Save Money While Living in the City

It is very well quoted that “A penny saved is a penny earned”. One must unquestionably learn to save that penny as much as it can be and stash it for the future! Who knows if it might come in handy!It is very well quoted that “A penny saved is a penny earned”. One must unquestionably learn to save that penny as much as it can be and stash it for the future! Who knows if it might come in handy!

I am a girl, with a huge void in my purse, and a quote that has always suited me best is:

I wonder where I left my purse,

I wonder where I have left my keys,

I wonder where all my money went,

I am a wonder woman”Lol! This has always exactly fitted into my deprived behavior, regarding money!

Lol! This has always exactly fitted into my deprived behavior, regarding money!

Savings- the word, never in my dictionary!

Later in life, with slow breathless dying, due to “always out of money problem”, instilled in me the sense of saving it for the first time, as I was left with no other choice! Since then, it has always been in my routine!

Some few things, one can do to save money while living in the city is:


Be very smart when it comes to choosing the place for residing. Investing large amount on the rent of the flat gets no good and all your money goes into the drain! Even while residing with your friends, be very choosy and calculative! You will realize, by this you can really save a lot in the end!


If you have this habit of traveling by cab or auto or by your own vehicle, then it’s the time, you stop fooling around and take up the public transportation for your travel! It’s not at all bad after all! It saves a lot of your cash!


Well, you have to compromise at some places and shopping is the primary one! We never realize how unnecessary lot is spent on shopping! Just ask this one question before you shell out money!

Why do I need this? And if there’s a valid answer, go ahead!! Else, revert back with double the pace!


If you are a coffee addict or savor coffee every now and then, then it is advisable to carry your own coffee to your workplace or wherever you go! Because coughing up on coffee might seem a small deal but it does add up to huge! Finally, tucking back those extra coins into your tote, safe!!


This activity can use up the most of your money, as joining a gym is not cheap! Working outside has more health benefits than going to those expensive gyms! You can work out by viewing and learning from the videos online! A lot cheaper and a smarter approach!


Only shop at a discounted store to store that extra spend up into something good! Be it online or offline, be a very smart picker when it comes to purchasing anything! Make a good use of the vouchers too!

If you scrutinize the deals, you can save a lot.


Hunt for the bars those offer cheap deals, like free drinks on certain days. Pick those days, dress up sassy, with that extra sexy appeal and go live the party! Without regrets!!


Try to hold onto some inexpensive hobbies like listening to music, sketching, painting, reading from free e-books, cooking, etc. It will save a lot!


Opt for house parties mostly! All you only need for partying is friends, drinks, music, and buffers, which are already available at anybody’s house! Hence, your expense being that of only drinks! It will help you in saving up a lot!

Well, if you have always been a once-single-bundle-spender, then try this crazy method called “Saving!”, by following the above ones!

I am confident, you will definitely love it!