Top 7 Upcoming Technologies bound to rule in 2018 and beyond!

upcoming technologies in 2018

“When the time travel is eventually doable technologically, yesterday was dead a man who is going to be born tomorrow.” ― Toba Beta

Well, this is exactly what is going to happen in the coming future. With the technology pacing at such a blinding pace, get ready to experience the magic, bound to unfold in the coming generations!

Besides the most famously discussed technologies like the Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning, here is a list of 7 other upcoming technologies bound to rule in2018 and beyond!

1. Chat bots and conversational interfaces

Similar to the Amazon’s “Echo show” and Google’s “Google home”, there is yet to be more inventions of such chat bots and conversational interfaces that will help us with our day-to-day personal as well as professional lives. It has been initiated but is yet to become widely popular. More Artificial Intelligence is required to enhance this idea.

2. Electrovibration Technology

This technology will completely transform the touch screen experience by inculcating the factor “texture”, attached to it.

Amazed? Then get ready to experience the best online shopping experience by determing the texture of any item, just by a touch. You can actually feel the texture!

This technology can even let the blind use the smart phones like we do today, by instilling Braille in it!

3. Speech-to-speech translation

It was in 2012, that Microsoft demonstrated the impressive speech-to-speech translation, which is going to trigger multi-language conference calls into a reality in 2017. IBM has also revealed that it will open its Watson supercomputing platform to third-party developers. This will allow the natural language processing features to be developed into various apps. This can thus escalate the world wide business meetings, just by a simple click, in plethora of languages, without the necessity of the mediator or a translator.

4. Leap Motion

Leap screen is more precise than a mouse, more trustworthy than a keyboard and more sensitive than a touch screen. Remember certain scenes in the movies where the actor is able to access the entire computer in 3D just by his hands and fingers movement? Yes! This is soon going to be an enticing reality! Wohoo!

5. Air to Fuel

A British firm, based on Teesside confessed that it has invented a revolutionary new technology that produces petrol using air and water. Five litres of petrol has already been produced, since August by the Air Fuel Synthesis in Stockton-on-Tees. This technology is known to solve the energy supply crisis, faced by the government.

6. Bio technology

This technology provides hands to the people who are devoid of fingers. The patients are made well accustomed to the hands, which can easily pick, carry and drop the items, akin to the real hands. The actions are known to be fully controlled by the brain, without any surgery. Touch Bionics is the company that develops Pro-digits hands, installing it successfully with the “living hand,” a plastic covering resembling the human skin.

7. Driverless cars

The autonomous driving cars i.e. the driverless cars and the electric cars are going to be hailing soon into the reality. The autonomous vehicles provide devoid the car ownership whereas the electric cars can help in dealing with the fossil fuel consumption.

The day is not far, when the technology will rule upon the men!!