Lifestyle Changes Intervention Leads To Weight Loss

Weight loss

No doubt people in current scenario have become very much health conscious. Five years back very few people were seen in the park or gyms but now too many gyms can be seen around, even the government had put their efforts in installing open gym  in almost all the parks, such that people those who cannot afford can also take the advantage of it. Almost in every park we find people doing yoga, Pranayama and light exercises etc., according to their comfort zone.

Some of the weight loss articles sounds very crazy, appears so cumbersome that after reading it, one drops the idea and the matter of losing weight gets dissolved.

But with a new approach some of the scientific studies have shed light on our metabolism and said the things we know to be true about weight loss are relatively simple. They are also extremely effective when practiced regularly. So, researchers had cut down the entire weight loss Programme to six simple points. These points basically emphasize on, how the body actually gains, lose, and maintain its weight.

One gains weight when excess calorie is consumed and working is insufficient, just one small reason for gaining weight. On the contrary, if calories input is less than calories output then it amounts to weight loss.  But if calories intake is in excess than output for a long period of time then things go to extremities and the problem turns into obesity.

Accumulation of fat in the body leads to overweight and  it is not a disease itself but gives access to many other diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease, paralysis, sleeplessness, arthritis, stomach upset etc.

Some of the simple habits have to be created and the weight will automatically shed down.

Weighing Machine

Weigh yourself each morning and make a chart of it. One’s weight will naturally fluctuate daily, and one has to keep patience with it. It is recommended for the one to use the trend-oriented spreadsheet used in the Hacker’s Diet. It is available online

Weight loss step 1 Dieting and Exercising

For one decreasing food intake is much more effective than increasing physical activity to achieve weight loss. If one wants to cut down 300 kcal of energy then one can run in the park for 3 miles or do not eat 2 ounces of potato chips.  It’s too simple to do.  Samuel Klein, MD at Washington University’s School of Medicine said that some studies have been highlighted that doing exercises against diet is enough to lose weight. Some says that the the participants tend to lose more weight by dieting alone than by exercise alone. Of course, both the aspects can work but if both together are implemented then it would be even better.

The concept is that when one depends on exercises alone, then it often backfires, because exercise’s effects on the hunger and appetite hormones, which make one, feel hungrier and after exercises one happens to eat more than one has burnt. As Newton’s third law of motion says to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So, similar thing happens with our body metabolism also.

Weight loss step 2 Exercise for 5 Minutes

In the nut shell, if one is eating fewer calories is much more effective than trying to burn the calories through exercise. For example, if one is burning a few hundred calories with 30 minutes of hard exercise, but could easily gain those back with a bowl of cereal or some other snack. So, if really want weight loss, one has to focus on diet.

Although, exercise does help in burning calories, even 200 calories a day can add up into the weight loss mission. And also exercises makes one feel good, and feel like getting in shape. It makes one healthier, of course, and will also get toned.

So, for loosing 200 calories, one doesn’t require exercising too long, it is recommended for one to do only for 30 minutes. But to initiate, start with just 5 minutes a day. Although, it will not burn 200 calories with just 5 min. of exercising but the main agenda is to kick start the mission of weight loss. Initially do for 5 minutes a day for the first week. Any kind of exercise one can do, try a few pushups, a few crunches, a few jumping jacks, and a couple minutes of running in place. After a week, one can increase it by 2 minutes. Likewise keep on doing and soon one will start doing 20-25 minutes a day. Finally one will reach to the required target.

Weight loss step 3 Diet Plan

One can take their favorite foods but lower in fat alternatives. If, one loves burgers then instead of potato burgers one can take soy burgers. If one likes French fries, make your own by baking them. Bake chicken instead of frying it. Consume low-fat milk and yogurt instead of the higher-fat versions. Eat baked chips instead of greasy ones. One shouldn’t give up fat completely, as some types of fat are good for metabolism, it’s important to understand that fat is high in calories (more than twice as calorie-dense as protein or carbs), and lowering ones fat intake to a more moderate amount will also lower ones calorie intake. Adding fruits and veggies is another good way to lower fat intake, as they take up a lot of space in stomach without adding too many calories or fat.

Weight loss step 4 Eat slowly, and wait for half an hour

If one takes meal very fast then probably one is overeating. One has to slow down while eating. The reason to it is that our brains take some time to give the message that we’re full. So, if one eats quickly, then actually over eating will be done.

Another method one can follow is to eat a sensible serving and not asking for it again. If one still feels hungry, wait for at least 30 minutes before eating any more. Often ones hunger will go away.

Weight loss step 5 Avoid Drinking Calories

Soda, coffee, tea, alcohol, juice and other beverages contain high calories and one also doesn’t realize how many calories have been consumed. Juice, for example, seems healthy, but really one is not getting any of the fiber of fruit and only calories. Eating an orange would give the same benefits, and will also make one full.

Instead, drink lots of water. Water makes one full, without giving any extra calories. It’s the perfect weight-loss drink, which is easily available.

Weight loss step 6 Make up mind for long term

When one had decided to run on weight loss mission then it is natural that one will not lose weight overnight! As one cannot lose weight quickly, very easily one can do that, but one should not do that because the speed with which one will lose weight with the same speed it will come back soon. We should have gradual weight loss which helps in maintaining the loss permanently. A pound a week is a good rate. Of course, one needs to make lots of adjustments to go along with this mission.

Weight loss step 7 Food for Weight loss

  • Gradually reduce food consumption, live on juices for 2 to 3 days.
  • Then as per requirement live on uncooked food (fruits, salads, sprouts, soaked nuts, soya milk, coconut milk, groundnut milk etc. for a week).
  • Later get back to normal diet.
  • But remember to include chaff while making chapattis.
  • Eat boiled vegetables, buttermilk without butter.
  • Take lukewarm lemon water on an empty stomach.
  • Chew food to make it fine as liquid in the mouth.
  • Ghee, sweets, roasted and fried food stuff, should be kept away.
  • One must urinate, after eating food.
  • At night take Triphala.
  • Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily.
  • Daily take 1 glass of water with basil juice.

“Maintain the Consistency for Weight Loss”


“Also be consistent with the maintenance of lost weight”