10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself!

10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself

10 times Kangana was unabashedly herself!

  1. When she declared that ‘A Man is not the priority of my life‘!10 times Kangana was unabashedly herself!
  2. When she has no qualms not having a single best friend in the industry!10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself
  3. When she voiced every girl’s mind-‘Don’t tell me to cover up’

 10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself

  1. When she opened up about being an unwanted girl child in her family!10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself1
  2. When she didn’t flinch reporting that she has been abused by someone from industry!10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself1
  3. When she admitted that before Queen, she was convinced that her career as an actor was literally over!10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself1
  4. When she made statement like- ‘No weak man would ever flutter around me’!10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself1
  5. When she called herself ‘hero’- ‘I am the struggler of the century’!

 10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself1

  1. When she wasn’ shy to label her own industry as a ‘bad world’!10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself
  2. When she stands out as a feminist- ‘Women should not seek approval from others.’!10  times Kangana was unabashedly herself1