Adults Go For the Right Way to Deal with Acne

Lifestyle Anti Acne

Lifestyle Anti Acne: Skin diseases are of many types like dermatitis boils, ringworms, scabies, acne, pimples etc. When focusing on Acne, it is always said, usually occurs in teen age and by the time one will cross this age, it will become ok by itself. But this is not fact; some people continue to have in adults too.

Acne could also occur very frequently after the teenage years and especially on higher rates in women compared to men. This was revealed by Doris Day, a clinical associate professor of dermatology at NYU Langone Medical Center and also the author of 100 Questions & Answers about Acne.  Further Dr.Day pointed out that almost 50 percent of women suffer from acne at some of the other points in their adult lives. Whereas more than half of women suffering from acne in their 20s and about 35 percent of women experienced some form of acne in their 30s.

Joshua Zeichner, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City, also pointed out that the cases of acne in an adult woman is rising high in number though It is unclear of the reason. However, it could be due to a combination of stress, dietary factors and changing hormones.

Reasons for adult acne 

  • Hormone levels: 

Fluctuation in hormones creates an imbalance in the body which could lead to breakouts of acne. Usually, this happens around their periods, during pregnancy, pre-menopause, menopause and after discontinuing (or starting) birth control pills.

One suffering from the problems in the liver and digestive process, chronic constipation also has the tendency of having acne frequently.

  • Stress:

Researchers tried to find a relationship between stress and acne. In stress conditions, usually, bodies manufacture more androgens (a type of hormone). These hormones stimulate the oil glands and hair follicles in the skin, which leads to acne.

  • Hereditary: 

Research studies also suggested that some people also suffered this genetically. People who have this tendency seem more likely to get adult acne.

  • Hair and skincare products:

If one has a tendency of adult acne, then one should read the labels on skincare and hair care products. Take care that it is inscribed with non-comedogenic, non-acnegenic, Oil-free, won’t clog pores, etc. Be sure that moisturizer, cleanser, sunscreen, and all other products contain at least one of these written forms. These products would avoid acne.

  • Medication effects:

Even some medicines end up in developing acne. If one has a doubt, that medicine is activating the formation of acne or making it poorer, consult with the doctor who prescribed it. if acne is a temporary side effect then continue the medicine or ask for any substitute for it. If one cannot take another medicine, then one can check with the dermatologist who can help to control the acne.

  • Unhygienic Conditions:

If one is not maintaining hygienic conditions with self and around, then these things also occur due to bacterial infections and then spread rapidly. Pollution is also putting a layer of dust on the face especially if one lives in a city told by Dr. Schultz. If moving out of the house then once you back wipe your face with a toner pad or face wipe and apply the toner, to keep the skin fresh.

Cleansing the Face frequently and Deeply

Everything in excess is bad if one is cleaning face again and again then one is making acne worse. Dr. Kazin responded that cleansing more than twice a day is too much and dries the skin which causes to produce more oil to balance the skin texture. Anything that rubs skin will promote acne may be at the smaller extent it depends.

Specific foods: We often hear that foods like chocolate, fried foods, pizza, caffeine, nuts cause acne. But Dr. Schultz said statistically with significant studies, it was not found right but there are always exceptions. If one feels it is developing when one is eating chocolate then avoids eating chocolates. A similar concept is with dairy products. But yes, one of the foods to avoid is iodine as it causes acne in everyone if one is eating enough. This is usually found in shellfish, like lobster, shrimp, crab, and some greens like kelp and spinach. The different between iodine and those other “acne-causing foods” is that iodine takes weeks and months before it is appearing on the skin but with others, it could be instant.

Sweets are the Enemy of a Skin problem.

Another skin enemy is sugar because it raises the insulin level. Increased insulin may enhance oil-triggering male hormones. Dr. Schultz explained this by recommending adhering to low-glycemic foods that have complex carbs like whole grains, which break down slower in the body and cause less of an insulin spike. Side by side it will improve health too.

Right ways for the treatment

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Dr. Doris day said that there is a topical retinoid which is particularly useful in adult women as they prevent acne and stimulate collagen, deals with cosmetic concerns like fine lines and wrinkles. Retinol is vitamin A, absorbed by the skin and converts to retinoic acid.

Retinoid is chiefly well suited to deal with adult acne because they can be used in combination with other treatments and moisturizers. For a more targeted acne treatment, Dr. Doris suggested topical dapsone, found in Aczone, a treatment for both hormonal and nonhormonal acne that’s also good enough for those with irritation-prone skin.

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Salicylic acid is another standard of acne treatment. It’s also called a beta-hydroxy acid. Salicylic works by exfoliating gently to unclog pores. It’s in a ton of over the counter cleansers and spot treatments, and it’s tender enough to use on one’s whole face.

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Benzoyl peroxide works by actually killing the acne bacteria while shedding of the dead skin of the pores at the same time. It’s not tender but can make skin dry and irritated if using too much. It is better to stay with it for spot-treating.

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One can apply sulfur-containing ingredients as sulfur functions by drawing oil out of the skin and gives a drying effect; this is again another great spot treatment. One will also find it as the active ingredient in some face masks.

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Glycolic Acid is again an amazing ingredient that contains an alpha-hydroxy acid and a shedding dead skin ingredient that targets both acne and wrinkles at the same time. Dr. Schultz explained that if one had effective shedding then one is enhancing collagen and hyaluronic acid in the skin. This will help improve skin’s texture and reduce fine lines and wrinkles while also clearing up the acne.

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Dr. Schultz’s greatest advice is that exfoliation is the most important thing one can do on a regular basis to be fighting acne both in terms of preventing it and treating it. According to him a glycolic cleanser will help one by getting soaked into the skin, and this is what will give one the results one wants. He said one can try BeautyRx Advanced 10% Exfoliating Pads or Drunk Elephant T.L.C. Framboos Glycolic Night Serum.

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Always be handy with the spot treatments which help in treating a pimple as soon as possible. Benzoyl peroxide is often popular for being harsh, but when it comes on your beauty then it should be your best friend. It is just applied on the trouble spot to dry and kill bacteria. For harsh treatment one can try Neutrogena Rapid Clear Stubborn Acne Spot Gel; for something gentler, one can even like Arithmetic Acne Control Complex, which has soothing ingredients to overcome the drying effects and is made with adult skin in mind.

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One can also look into the products that fight for inflammation. Inflammation is always involved when one has the development of acne, causing swelling and redness. We all work hard to cover up with our best makeup. One can also go for Groh Ergo Boost Skin Repair Treatment which is rich in antioxidants that help calm down irritation, and ergothioneine, a compound naturally occurring in mushrooms, helps repair damaged skin cells.

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One can also go for certain medications that manipulate the hormonal levels, such as oral contraceptives and spironolactone, they are helpful in curbing hormonal chin and lower face acne.

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One must not try to extract cysts by own efforts. That big, painful acne would leave a scar if one tries to prick and poke at them. The only way to reduce it quickly is to drain it but by not self pricking said Dr. Schultz, as, acne are painful due to expansion which stretches the nerves.  For this take Advil, apply a warm or cold compress (whichever feels better to one), and then visit a dermatologist. Dr. Tzu said Cortisone shots are the true ‘spot treatments’ for painful cystic acne lesions.

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There’s a huge difference between scars and hyperpigmentation. Scars do not subside themselves but needed professional treatment. For this one should consult a dermatologist. But the brown spots left behind after acne can be treated at home if one is attentive. Dr. Schultz said one has to be regular in taking care by using sunscreen, exfoliation, and application of a bleaching product that would help in removing the excess pigmentation in the skin. One can try Murad Rapid Age Spot and Pigment Lightening Serum.

Many suggestions are given above but strict advice, before trying any of the products it is always good to consult the doctor.

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“Life Style Change Is the Best Remedy”