What Is Ketogenic Diet: A Detailed Beginner’s Guide to Keto


The ketogenic Diet causes the body to release ketones into the bloodstream. Cells of our body use blood sugar as a source of energy, which comes from carbohydrates. When blood sugar is in deficient then stored fat starts breaking down into ketone bodies which are called ketosis. This change in the body starts dissolving the fat and one starts losing weight. This takes over two to four days of eating fewer carbohydrates (20 to 50 grams) per day. A ketogenic diet is rich in protein and fats and lacks carbohydrates.

When one is going on a ketogenic diet then there are massive reductions in blood sugar and insulin levels with the increased ketones. This has numerous health benefits.

The ketogenic diet contains Seafood, Low carb vegetables, Cheese, Avocados, Meat and Poultry, Eggs, Coconut oil, Yogurt, and Cottage Cheese, Olive oil, Nuts and Seeds, Berries, Butter and Cream, Tea and Coffee without sugar, Dark Chocolates and Cocoa powder.

☞  Working Mechanism

When one eats carbs between 20 to 50 grams per day, the body eventually is scarce in blood sugar. This takes approximately 3 to 4 days. Then automatically protein and fat of the body start breaking down for energy, which helps us to lose weight. This process is called ketosis. One sees this diet as a weight loss diet but it is much more than weight loss. It is very important to know that it has many health benefits too. So, in all, it is green everywhere.  One target to achieve, but this change gives us the benefits of many goals.

☞ Used For

People generally using it, to lose weight, but simultaneously can help manage a cure for many health problems, like heart disease, brain diseases, acne, epilepsy, too. Still, research is in progress. But before proceeding with this diet one should consult the doctor if already one is running on medicines.

☞ Weight Loss

This diet may help you to lose weight in the first 3 to 6 months than any other diet. This is because the body takes more calories to change fat into energy than it takes to change carbs into energy. It could also be possible that a high-fat, high-protein diet satisfies the appetite faster, so one eats less, but still, the studies are going on it

☞ Cancer

Because of hormone Insulin our body uses or store sugar as fuel.  Ketogenic diets burn this fuel quickly, so no need to store it. Finally, the body will be requiring less insulin. These low levels of insulin help us to protect against some kinds of harmful toxins or even slow the growth of cancer cells. Still, studies are going on in this aspect.

☞ Heart Disease

Ketogenic diets tend to maintain lower levels of insulin which automatically will stop making more cholesterol and one will not suffer from high blood pressure, hardened arteries, heart failure, and other heart conditions.  But how long these effects last is still to be identified.

☞ Acne

Eating too many carbohydrates leads to many skin ailments. The drop in insulin due to the ketogenic diet can stop acne breakouts. Still, more research is under progress

☞ Diabetes

It is very clear that low-carb diets keep blood sugar lower. But when the body burns fat for energy, it makes compounds called ketones. A diabetic person, particularly suffering from type 1 has to be careful as too many ketones in the blood can make him sick. So it’s very important to consult a doctor if undergoing any changes in the diet.

☞ Nervous System Disorders

Ketogenic diets have helped control Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Sleep disorders and convulsions caused by epilepsy. The reason is not very clear but it could be that the ketones formed during breaking down fat for energy are protecting brain cells from damage.  But again, it is very important to consult the doctor before moving ahead with this diet.

☞ Exercise

A ketogenic diet builds stamina of athletes — runners and cyclists etc.  This diet reduces fat and keeps low muscles -to-fat ratio, which raises the amount of oxygen in the body and one is able to use at the time of working hard. It might help in training but it may not work very well for peak performance, because an athlete requires much more other diets also.

☞ Side Effects

Usually not very serious side effects but one can face constipation, mild low blood sugar, or indigestion, “keto flu”  which may include headache, weakness, and irritability; bad breath; and fatigue.

☞ Extra Care

Diet should be taken with extra care because when our body burns fat, our kidneys have to work hard.  Secondly, starting and leaving a ketogenic diet can be risky. If one is obese because of other health issues like diabetes, a heart condition, or high blood pressure then make diet changes slowly and only with the consultation of a doctor.

“It Is Always Good To Maintain Regular Exercises Along With Diet”

“Neither of the Things Can Work Alone In the Body”

“Both Are Directly Proportional To Each Other”