The famous choreographer Ganesh Acharya has been accused by a fellow worker of forcing her to watch adult films. The ` came up when an assistant choreographer Divya Kotian filed a complaint against him in Amboli police station and Maharashtra Women’s Commission. The celebrity was accused of multiple charges which include traumatic abuse, threatening of depriving the lady of the industry, forcing her to watch adult films and demanding a commission in her income.
Mumbai:33yr-old woman choreographer,has filed complaint against Ganesh Acharya, GenSecyIndian Film&Television Choreographers Assoc at state's Women's Commission&Amboli PS accusing him of depriving her of work in film industry,demanding commission&forcing her to watch adult videos
— ANI (@ANI) January 28, 2020
A tweet from ANI read “Mumbai:33yr-old woman choreographer, has filed a complaint against Ganesh Acharya, GenSecyIndian Film&Television Choreographers Assoc at state’s Women’s Commission&Amboli PS accusing him of depriving her of work in the film industry, demanding commission&forcing her to watch adult videos.”
According to the reports choreographer Ganesh Acharya has been harassing the woman ever since he became the General Secretary of the Indian Film & Television Choreographers Association. When Divya opposed the abuse, she was removed from the association. Whenever she approached anyone for work, they asked her to settle her dispute with choreographer Ganesh Acharya first. When Divya was left with no option, she finally approached the association meeting where Ganesh Acharya asked choreographer Preity Lad and Jayeshree Kelkar to send her away. Divya was beaten by these two ladies.
Divya also claimed that not only Ganesh Acharya forced her to watch adult videos but also demanded extra money from all the dancers which she refused to pay. This made him harass her mentally.
Earlier actress Tanushree Dutta and Saroj Khan also accused him along with Nana Patekar of harassing her. Choreographer Ganesh Acharya’s controversy was further heated when Tanushree indulged in the #MeToo movement and confessed, “He’s a bloody liar and a two-faced person. He’s going to say all that. And 10 years ago, he was one of those people who were equally complicit in the harassment. He won’t admit it,“.
In his defense, Acharya told ANI “Saroj Ji is speaking wrong. When the CDA was closed why did not she came to help us to open it. Five coordinators were appointed for CDA by taking Rs 15 lakh from them. 217 masters have signed a letter that they do not need coordinators. Do the Federation people know dancing? Do they know who is a good dancer? Saroj Ji should come forward to help dancers. There is a need for re-election for the CDA.”
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