15 hilarious Break-up Insults Your ex totally deserves to lend the ears on!


Breakups are a part and parcel of one’s lives. You cry, cry, lament, abuse and then cry again! Though, you overcome it with time, healing with the pain and rising above its stupid existence, yet after a certain period of time when you see your ex somewhere, you wish to go and abuse him! Right?

Why not make it a bit interesting by just hurling out a few hilarious lines to your ex, metaphorically slapping them on the face and walking off with hoity-toity charm!

Here are 15 hilarious break-up insults your ex totally deserves to lend the ears on!

“You mean more to me than life itself but I’m suicidal.”

15 hilarious Break-up Insults


“I am so miserable without you, it’s almost as if you are here.”

hilarious Break-up Insults

My ex-boyfriends status on the Facebook said: “Suicidal and standing on the edge”. So I poked him.

hilarious Break-up Insults

If you are happy and you realize it, then thank your ex.

hilarious Break-up Insults

The best revenge against the woman who steals your man from you is to let her keep him.

hilarious Break-up Insults

Ever looked at your ex and wondered “Was I drunk the entire f**king relationship!”

hilarious Break-up Insults

“I thought you took my breath away but baby I was suffocated by your bullshit!”

hilarious Break-up Insults

“Remember god loves you, but I don’t”

hilarious Break-up Insults

“Today, I saw something that reminded me of you, but then I flushed it and came out of the loo”

hilarious Break-up Insults

“Sweetheart what am I supposed to do, when the best part about me is, me”

hilarious Break-up Insults

“Sorry for the mean, awful, rude and accurate things I’ve said”

hilarious Break-up Insults

“Right now I am sitting here looking at you trying to see things from your point of view, but I can’t get my head that far up my ass”

“So what if you had a big heart, I wanted a big d*** anyway”

hilarious Break-up Insults

“I need you. I want you. To get out of my face”

hilarious Break-up Insults

“Mirrors don’t talk. But you are lucky enough as they don’t laugh either”

hilarious Break-up Insults