The BPO Industry and its Impact on Office Culture

BPO Industry

BPO Industry: Remember the time when one calls the customer care for assistance? They sound really thorough with their first opening statement, spurting out the welcome line without a single pause, which seems recorded. The line spoken is exactly the same by everyone present there.

They slog their entire shift time by being on calls or chats. The irony being, despite hundreds of people sitting in a single room, no one talks to each other but to the customers on the other end, connected through their respective systems!

There’s a saying “A man without a smiling face must not open a shop”. This indicates how essential it is to have a smiling face while conversing with the customers.

This is one unique experience of a slightly different job profile, the basic essential requirement being really good communication skills. This job requires a lot of determination and patience to deal with the customers, as the agents stay oblivious of the customer’s mood until they first speak to them. If the customers are infuriated taking some issue, then god bless the poor agents!!

The job done by the employees of these customer care centers is Business process outsourcing(BPO).It is a subset of outsourcing that involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of a specific business process to a third-party service provider. Often the business processes are information technology-based and are referred to as ITES-BPO, where ITES stands for Information Technology Enabled Service. The main advantage of any BPO is the way in which it helps increase a company’s flexibility.

The work ambiance of the BPO companies is really very amiable when compared to the other companies. There is less emphasis on limits. One of the usual limitations set by employers is none other than attire, with the encouragement of the classic suit and tie for the men; as well as the usual blouse, blazer, and high heels for the women.

BPO and numerous other corporations are going global, which adds to the importance of people working till the late hours in order to get the work done according to the time-zones of certain countries. In fact, one of the usual traits of BPO is that they assign different shifts to different employees, while also giving ample time to physically and mentally prepare for any shift that may come their way. Whether it be the day shift, the night shift, or even the graveyard shift, they must be able to adjust accordingly.

The nature of BPO can be grueling at times, especially in terms of one’s physical conditions due to scheduling, it’s only right that employees under their stead be well compensated. Besides, without their services, the industry wouldn’t have the rise they deserve.

One may notice that the usual trait of a call center agent is their laid-back nature and their overall lax, yet professional approach in their work, which in turn gives them the time to pursue their respective passions in the heat of work. This particular impact of BPO is one of the most well-known ones as it truly does its best to promote the perfect harmony between work and personal leisure. This goes to show that work doesn’t have to be as stressful as almost everyone makes it be.

It’s undeniable that BPO has helped in shaping the world of employment into what it is today.

The United States continues to be the biggest market for BPO services. Filipinos are a natural fit for BPO work because of their affinity with western culture, primarily due to the strong influence, the United States left more than 6 decades ago. The BPOs all around the world are developing at a faster pace every day.

BPOs’ sole motive is to satisfy their customer’s needs and always follow the motto “Do what you do the best and outsource the rest”!!