Ranveer Singh and Ryan Reynolds outsmart each other on Twitter- Deadpool 2


One of the most popular movies of 2002, Van Wilder sparked up Ryan Reynolds’ fans, followed by his again a wild flick, Deadpool in 2016 which had the world going crazy for him and his acting!

 He has been unbeatable with his humor since then and akin to Robert Downey junior, who behaves exactly the same as Tony stark even in his real life, except for in Ryan’s case, it’s the red-suited Marvel superhero- Deadpool!

Followed by the announcement of synching the voice of Deadpool 2 aka Ryan’s  legionnaire with a mouth in Hindi by Ranveer Singh for it’s release in the Hindi language, the latter was uplifted by showing his brimming excitement for his assignment on Twitter by quoting, “Astonishing how effectively I’ve managed to out-crass my Canadian counterpart, Ryan Reynolds. Never realized how fulfilling & rewarding foul Hindi language can be!”.

Ryan’s response to this was an embellishment of his wit where he wrote, “Well if I tried to curse in Hindi, pretty sure there would be an international incident”.

If Ranveer Singh is the wit of Bollywood then Ryan is the same for Hollywood. However, Ranveer simply let the message pass with humbleness by appreciating Ryan’s movies, rather than doting a game of “out-wit” with the Deadpool!