Follow Thor Star Chris Hemsworth’s Workout and Diet Plan To Get A Ripped Body Like Superhero

hemsworth working fitness

Chris Hemsworth Diet Plan and Workout Tips

The Marvel superhero, Chris Hemsworth’s muscular body is what many men desire. But, one should be very clear that to achieve such body one has to do hard work and maintain the consistency.  

It’s worth noting that Hemsworth had adopted an all-vegan diet when filming “Thor: Ragnarok” and “Avengers: Infinity Wars.” Before the shoot(s), however, Chris mostly had lean and healthy proteins like chicken breast and fish, along with abundant servings of veggies, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and more.

If one would like to opt the traditional bodybuilding and functional training exercises then one gets the result as seen in Chris Hemsworth. So, one should know go through his workout and diet regime and then later decide if one is motivated to get a muscular body like him or at least want to be just aware of it then one can go through the compiled information about his diet and workout regime. 

Health and Fitness Tips 1 Chris Hemsworth’s Diet Plan

hemsworth working fitness

The Chris Hemsworth diet plan changes significantly in preparation for his varying roles. However, he had adopted a strict vegan diet to complement the Thor workout routine, to popularise the concept of “vegan bodybuilding.”

  • Breakfast: In breakfast Chris had 1 cup oatmeal, 1 banana, 1/2 cup sultanas, fat-free milk, 4 egg whites, 1 egg, 50 g cheese, protein shake, and orange juice.
  • Brunch: In brunch he took Cottage cheese, turkey roll, mixed nuts, protein shake, and yogurt.
  • Snacks: Often Beef jerky was taken by him.
  • Lunch:  In the lunch he preferred 3 chicken breasts, 100 g brown rice, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup kidney beans, 1 glass of fat-free milk
  • Dinner: For the dinner he preferred 3 salmon fillets, 100 g quinoa, 100 g asparagus, a glass of fat-free milk, yogurt
  • Supper: In supper 2 boiled eggs, 2 brown bread slices, protein shake.

Health and Fitness Tips 2 Chris Hemsworth’s Workout Plan

As with his diet plan, Chris Hemsworth’s Thor workout plan is also all about consistency, intensity, and dedication. Chris Hemsworth’s workout plan consisted of traditional bodybuilding and functional training.  

  • Back Squats – One of the most basic strength exercises is also one of the best. It builds muscle and improves balance in one fell swoop.

hemsworth working fitness

  • Bench Press – Another bodybuilding staple that does exactly what you think it does: builds muscle.

hemsworth working fitness

  • Deadlift – This is easily one of the most effective measures for building strength, presuming you actually do it properly.

hemsworth working fitness

  • Pull-Ups – If one struggles at first, not to give up, as pull-ups get easier the more one does them.

hemsworth working fitness

  • Bear Crawls – One stays spry by performing functional exercises such as bear crawls.

hemsworth working fitness

Naturally, the above is a mere sample of Hemsworth’s exercises. The actor’s specific Thor workout routine:

Bodyweight Circuit Training

  • Pull-ups (3 sets, 15 reps) for lats
  • Sit-Up (3 sets, 20 reps) for abs
  • Push-Ups (3 sets, 15 reps) for chest
  • Front Box Jump (3 sets, 10 reps) for hamstrings
  • Bodyweight Squat (3 sets, 15 reps) for quadriceps

Iron Circuit Training

  • Barbell Squat (3 sets, 15 reps) for quadriceps
  • Barbell Bench Press (3 sets, 5 reps) for chest
  • Standing Military Press (3 sets, 8 reps) for shoulders
  • Barbell Deadlift (3 sets, 5 reps) for hamstrings
  • Hammer Curls (3 sets, 5 reps) for biceps

But if one tends to choose to be muscular like Chris then here are some general rules to follow:

  • One should stick with free weights in place of machine weights, as free weights do a better job at working the full body.
  • Try to focus primarily on compound lifts and exercises (deadlifts, squats, etc). Again, these methods target multiple areas of the body as opposed to just one specific area.
  • Never try to go to extremes when one is lifting. Keep reps in a moderate zone.
  • One should not rest too much between sets.
  • Maintain consistency

“Follow the Routine, When One Can Maintain the Regularity and Consistency”

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