Top 10 Healthy Breakfast Foods

Top 10 Healthy Breakfast Foods

Top 10 Healthy Breakfast FoodsFor food, it is always said; have breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.

So, it is always said that healthy breakfast foods are the most important meal of the day, as one is breaking the fast after a long gap between night and the next emerging day which kick-starts a person’s metabolism of the body.

However, western healthy breakfast foods, such as donuts, pastries, and pancakes, are laden with saturated fats and sugars and contain little protein or fiber. For the namesake, the breakfast has been done but one’s body is not meeting out all the macro and micronutrients for the body’s metabolism.

Healthy breakfast Foods is one that contains nutritious foods that provide energy and makes a person feel satisfied and full, which can support to avoid overeating later in the day.

Let us know about the best healthy foods to eat in the morning.



Berries are available throughout the year, in its season it is consumed fresh and when it goes out of season then frozen berries are consumed. The fresh and the frozen both are equally nutritious.

Any of the berries, such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, are an excellent way to start the morning. They are low in calories, high in fiber, and contain contains lots of phytonutrients which are disease-fighting antioxidants.

This was revealed in a study from the American Heart Association that there is a strong association between higher intakes of the antioxidants found in berries with a lower risk of a heart attack in young women.



Bananas are rich in potassium and make a nourishing mid-morning snack.

Bananas are easily available and are a convenient and quick source of energy, a good source of nutritious breakfast. This is very much filling and is the best source to keep away the hunger.

It has resistant starch and our body does not digest resistant starch easily, so it travels through the body unchanged, which supports indigestion. Unripe bananas contain more resistant starch than ripe bananas. Ripe bananas contain more natural sugars. Unripe bananas have probiotic bacteria that help one with good colon health. Greenunripe bananas also help one to absorb nutrients, like calcium, better than ripe bananas.

Bananas are equipped largely with potassium, which helps in generating proper blood pressure in some people. Bananas can be enjoyed with nut butter or on top of oatmeal or cereal.



Going for healthy breakfast foods can help one to prevent overeating later in the day. Oatmeal is one of them, it is a nutritional powerhouse. It encloses beta-glucan, which is a thick, sticky fiber, contains good starch content which helps a person to feel full for longer and also lowers cholesterol.

When it comes to comparison with the cornflakes, it is revealed by the researchers that one who ate oats, then cornflakes, then these people ate very little during lunchtime. So, this showed that oat acted as fuller than cornflakes. This meal is particularly beneficial for people who are overweight.

From a nutritional point of view, it is rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, and potassium. Steel-cut oats contain more protein and fiber than other types of oats, so, it is better to have steel cut oats because they have a lower glycemic index (GI) which will not allow a person’s blood sugar will to increase.



Eggs are very popular healthy breakfast food and usually considered a healthy breakfast. They serve as both nutrition and contain high-quality protein.

Some people think that eggs are not good because of the amount of cholesterol they contain. However, studies have shown that the dietary cholesterol from eggs has only a minor impact on bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL), in the blood.

A recent study conducted on people suffering from a high risk of type 2 diabetes or heart-related diseases found that eating complete eggs and with reduced carbohydrates resulted in improvements in blood cholesterol levels. It also helped in slimming down, reduction in weight and body fat.

Nuts and nut butter

Nuts and nut butter

There are many people who are not in favor of consuming animal products, and then eating nuts is another excellent substitute to get enough protein and is a rich source of healthy breakfast. Nuts also contain antioxidants, magnesium, potassium, and heart health favorable fats.

After a long study was done for over 30 years on people who consumed nuts daily had a 20 percent lower risk of death compared to people who did not eat nuts, it was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Nut butter can be used in multipurpose. People can use it as a dip for fresh fruit, spread nut butter on whole-grain toast, and mix it into oatmeal or yogurt. There are many kinds of peanut butter almond butter, cashew butter, run sweetened cocoa and hazelnut butter can select any for enjoying the healthy breakfast.



Consuming coffee is another ingredient of a healthy breakfast foods. It is becoming popular due to its caffeine content. It also offers other health benefits due to its antioxidants, which helps in fighting the inflammation.

One study from the American Diabetes Association suggested that drinking regular coffee could decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The researchers also revealed that some components of coffee improve glucose metabolism in the body.

But it is important to know that adding cream or sugar will reduce the beneficial effects of coffee. It is always good to reduce or avoid adding sugar to coffee and choose plant-based milk instead of cream.



Flaxseeds are a very good source of nutrition for relishing healthy breakfast foods, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber.

People can blend them into smoothies or sprinkle flaxseeds on yogurt or oatmeal. It is essential to consume ground flaxseed or to grind the seeds at home before consuming, as whole flaxseeds consumed will pass through the body without breaking down due to its very small size.

The importance of flaxseed is, it helps in lowering the cholesterol, improves insulin level in the blood, lowers blood sugar, and even protects against breast cancer.

Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt

It is another excellent source of protein to have for healthy breakfast. Greek yogurt is bulky and creamy and contains more protein than regular yogurt.

This is also rich in calcium and contains probiotics (Beneficial Bacteria) that help to keep a healthy stomach and make the immune system stronger.

One can pair this low-fat yogurt with high-protein food or other foods- such as berries or nut butter.



All teas contain antioxidants may be black, green, or white teas, but out of all green tea is probably the most healthy breakfast foods. According to one of the studies, green tea burns fat and promotes weight loss.

Teas contain some caffeine but not as much as coffee. It can also help a person to stay hydrated.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is an additional protein powerhouse, an excellent source of nutrition. One of the studies showed that cottage cheese curtails hunger equivalent to that of eggs.

It is also rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, and calcium. People can eat cottage cheese raw, or mix it with other flavored foods, such as pepper and spring onions, or fruit or nuts.

The Gist of the whole content on Breakfast

When one is consuming breakfast in the morning, make sure to select foods that are filling and contain lots of macro and micronutrients. Choosing the best foods will help one to curb hunger and trigger a person’s metabolism for the day.

“Be Selective for eatables on the Cost of Health Benefits”