In a groundbreaking discovery, a study led by NHS Blood and Transplant has identified a new blood group system named "MAL." This exciting advancement...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday is often an event of national significance, celebrated with various charitable initiatives, political gatherings, and symbolic gestures across India....
India has reported its first confirmed case of Mpox (previously known as Monkeypox) in Delhi. With the growing global concern over health and safety,...
In the world of sports, certain stories transcend mere athletic achievement. They resonate with a broader audience because they embody the human spirit's resilience,...
Poco, a brand known for its value-for-money smartphones, has recently introduced the X6 Neo in India, setting a new benchmark in the mid-range segment...
The recent breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology marks a significant milestone in humanity's pursuit of sustainable and clean energy sources. With the potential to...
The buzz around Bollywood’s latest action-packed film Yudhra is palpable, and it's easy to see why. With its dynamic lead pair, Siddhant Chaturvedi and...
In a heartwarming surprise for fans, Aditi Rao Hydari and Siddharth, two of India’s beloved actors, have announced their wedding, making it official with...
Diljit Dosanjh, the Punjabi singer-actor who has taken the global music scene by storm, is known for his electrifying performances and chart-topping hits. But...